Osteoporosis is asymptomatic disease, characterized by reduced bone mass (bone thinning) that leads to bone fragility. Thus, osteoporosis bones more prone to fractures and will be an increased risk of fractures of the hip, spine and wrist. This occurs especially in women after menopause. Osteoporosis is so common that half of all women aged sixty prone to this disease. As no cure for osteoporosis, it is good to avoid things that can increase the risk of the disease. Stop Pop: The consumption of carbonated drinks such as soft drinks, champagne and sparkling water can remove calcium from your bones because carbonated beverages contain high amounts of phosphates, leading to loss of calcium over. Reduce Protein: Excessive protein intake can lead to acidity in the body. This acidity in turn leads to calcium loss in urine. It's good to take only two to four ounces of protein, three times a day. Support the stomach acid: stomach acid needed for absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. Blocking of gastric juice significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis. Reduce Caffeine: This is something that every cup of coffee can make you lose 150 mg of calcium in the urine. So, naturally decaffeinated teas better alternative. But if you want that coffee with caffeine, then increase the calcium intake of 150 mg for each cup of coffee you consume. Get the right brand Calcium: Tums is the worst source of calcium. It contains calcium carbonate, which poorly absorbed form of calcium may reduce stomach acid even more. Instead, prefer the best forms of calcium such as calcium citrate and calcium hydroxyapatite. However, take them on an empty stomach for better absorption. In addition, taking only 500 mg at a time. Get some Sun: Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and put it in the bones. You can get vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Use sunscreen blocks more than ninety percent of production of vitamin D. Thus, to get more vitamin D from sunlight and increase calcium absorption and reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. Check the level of hormones on a regular basis: reduction in hormone levels is one of the most common causes of osteoporosis. The correct level of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA are essential for bone support. However, too much cortisol, insulin and parathyroid hormone can cause osteoporosis. So check hormone levels regularly lasix 5 mg to prevent bone loss. Diet changes: excess sugar and starch may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Thus, a low glycemic index diet is better because the food in this diet does not raise blood sugar and insulin levels quickly. Low glycemic index foods include lean protein, legumes, vegetables and good fats (nuts, olives, olive oil, fish, fish oil, avocados). Regular exercise: Weight bearing exercise such as walking, cycling and weight lifting for at least 15-30 minutes a day can increase bone density. Even free exercises such as leg lifts and squats, work effectively in reducing the risk of osteoporosis. No related posts. .
Friday, February 24, 2012
Low glycemic index foods including lean proteins ...
Protein intake produces acidity in the body ...
It was not so long ago that osteoporosis prevention education focused almost exclusively on exercise and calcium. Space program has taught us, among many things, supporting the movement here on Earth is a tiny fracture stress for our bones, that
necessary for healthy bones, they stimulate the repair and strengthening. As osteoporosis rates increased and decreased levels of physical activity, there is greater emphasis on calcium. Recommendations soared from 800 mg to 1500 mg. Unfortunately, the addition of calcium in the blood was not a solution. Researchers have long known of the relationship between consumption of vitamin D (mainly as a result of exposure to the sun) and the absorption of calcium. People living in northern latitudes, and in climates with less sunlight, experience higher rates of osteoporosis. Recent studies have shown that levels of vitamin D levels drop by 20-25% in winter in these northern climates and can not recover in the summer, where regular use of sunscreen and a low dietary intake of vitamin D (fortified milk, fatty fish, fortified cereals and eggs) abound. Recently, mineral magnesium has been found yet another piece of the puzzle needed to activate vitamin D. >> << Many Americans are deficient in magnesium, which is most abundant in whole grains, beans and green leafy vegetables. Scientists continue to discover other nutrients that play a key role in osteoporosis puzzle. Scientists have found that vitamin K plays lasix heart an important role in bone health, it is necessary for the synthesis of bone building proteins. What makes this especially interesting is that vitamin K is almost exclusively in green leafy vegetables, and the same source, which provides calcium for most of the world population (which, incidentally, have lower rates of fracture). Research over 72,000 women found that those who consume at least, vitamin K was a 30% increased risk of fractures of the hip joint as compared to the consumption of at least 109 micrograms a day, or the number contained in a cup of cooked spinach. The survey also showed 45% reduction in rates of hip fracture in women is one or more servings of salad a day (even iceberg!) Compared with those is less than one serving a week. Another recent discovery that folic acid is closely linked to healthy bones. DEXA scans of the lumbar spine of 161 postmenopausal women showed that bone mineral density steadily increases as the level of folic acid increased. Many Americans are deficient in folic acid, nutrients found in orange juice, beans and green leafy vegetables. What about protein? There is some evidence that higher levels of protein, especially animal protein is associated with bone loss. There is a theory proposed by renowned scientists to explain how protein intake can cause calcium loss. It is called
theory of acids and bases and unhealthy food blamed for our poor bone health. Protein intake produces acidity in the body, however, a healthy diet full of alkaline minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium (leafy green vegetables) helps the body stay balanced. In contrast to the theory, protein intake in addition to excess acid, sugar, sodium, phosphorus, caffeine and alcohol is a recipe for bone loss. Getting enough protein appears important for bone health as well. Recent data from the Framingham osteoporosis study showed that >> << low protein intake (less than 50 grams per day) increases bone loss. Ecological research in developing countries, found shocking truth: There are people on this planet with healthy bones, consuming only 300 400 milligrams of calcium every day! This level of calcium is very far from the 1500 mg recommended by many doctors today. This new data, greater emphasis should be placed on the acquisition and maintenance >> << calcium. Substances that cause calcium loss is caffeine (more than 300 mg a day - two strong cups of coffee or four cups of tea), sodium (40 mg calcium, lost for 1,000 mg sodium), phosphorus (found in soft drinks and other processed foods) and alcohol (more than one serving per day). Consensus on the use of alcohol during this time that two or more drinks a day for women may increase the risk of hip fracture. Interestingly, the study of 500 elderly women found that women who drink beverages 1:59
was significantly higher spine, total body and midradius bone mineral density than abstinent. Finally, while scientists try to unravel this mystery, people who exercise regularly expose themselves healthy amount of sunlight and diet products are all based on dark-green leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, and lean sources of protein make correct steps to prevent osteoporosis. .
These problems of the immune system, often
Organs of the immune system just as important as the heart and lungs, because they help keep the body healthy, safe and alive. The immune system is a complex network of glands, blood vessels, tissues and organs that work together to prevent and eliminate bacteria, parasites, viruses and other infections. A healthy immune system is vital to maintain and preserve all the components that make up the human body. Fortunately, some natural remedies to deal effectively with many diseases and diseases caused by weakness or attack the immune system, often working without side effects associated with traditional methods of treatment. Diseases and disorders that meet the best natural remedies include:
The most important part of the immune system are lymphocytes, or white blood cells that are looking for infectious organisms and attack them. Since lymphocytes are at the heart of this system, it makes sense that the immune system of working on the production and activate these cells have the title of lymphoid organs. These bodies affect the development, growth and production of lymphocytes in the body where blood and lymph vessels to transport them from one area to another. Each organ in the immune system plays a unique role and significantly affects other parts of the system. For example, adenoids, two cancer who live on the nose, trap bacteria and viruses that enter the body by breathing or swallowing. They help the body fight infection because they contain cells that produce antibodies and to work with the tonsils, the other organs of the immune system. In addition, the tube that connects to the colon, is one of the system find no function for decades. Recently, doctors discovered that the appendix plays an important role in the immune system by intercepting and storing all the toxins in the body that are present during the process of digestion. If the appendix becomes inflamed or broken, it often leads to death, because the poison was kept empty and attack the body. Bone marrow: tissue in the bones, where the majority of lymphocytes and allows them to turn into different types of white blood cells, each with specific disease fighting powers
lymph nodes: small bodies of places throughout the body, connecting with lymphatic vessels, new, mature lymphocytes remain in the lymph nodes and to fight antigens, multiply, and continue to grow
lymphatic vessels: connecting all lymphoid organs, to reach all the lymphocytes of the body, including blood << Patches> > Peyyera: tissue in the small intestine, which contains a high concentration of lymphocytes, which define antigens and sending specialized white blood cells to fight the toxins. Organs of the immune system also consists of the spleen and thymus, which becomes known as lymphocytes B and T cells, settle, reproduce, grow, and look for bacteria, which require removal. The problems of the immune system can be as simple as a cold or as serious and life-threatening as AIDS, Acquired Syndrome immunodefiency transferred sharing needles, blood transfusion or sexual intercourse. When this disease enters the lasix prescription body, the immune system becomes dysfunctional and makes the body vulnerable to other infections and problems. Some diseases of the immune system is much less serious than AIDS, as allergy and hypersensitivity to certain substances may cause functional problems, and therefore considered immune system disorders. Organs of the immune system may also react negatively to new organs or tissues, the risk that comes with a transfer. In rare cases the immune system attacks its own body or other bodies, destruction, and possibly killing people with the disease. Sometimes the immune system is suppressed or drug treatments such as chemotherapy, and some diseases, including:
These problems of the immune system, often life-threatening or debilitating, requiring constant care and proper medical care. One of the best ways to treat immune disorders and restore the strength of the immune system to stay away from other people with the disease. Strong medicines were given to doctors and other features that may help treat or cure problems with the immune system. Depending on the disease and its severity, it may require additional measures to mitigate infection and restoring the body in good health. To prevent the disease become too serious, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as the infection begins. New! Your say on what you just read! Leave your comments in the box below. .
Osteoporosis changes the shape of the vertebral ...
Osteoporosis, also known as the "silent disease", characterized by reduced bone mass and decrease bone. Bones become brittle, thin and prone to fractures, especially hip, spine and wrist. Risk factors for development of primary osteoporosis are postmenopausal, Caucasian or Asian origin, family history, low body weight, little physical activity and smoking. Physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on bone remodeling. Many people who suffer from >> << mistakenly assume that they will break bones with exercise and do not realize that regular use of muscles and exercise really protect their bones. Studies show that regular exercise actually increases and maintains bone density at any age. Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society of physical activity can reduce the rate of bone loss, increase muscle strength and fitness can help reduce the risk of fractures and falls among older people. Osteoporosis changes the shape of vertebral bodies (they are wedge) that lead to kyphosis, this means that the curve of the thoracic spine increases. Kyphosis decreased postural support at lasix 50 mg the upper back and causes pain and spinal pressure. is all about aligning the body and its specific, corrective exercises help remove postural load on the spine and prevent further wedge and compression fractures. Pilates repertoire using your muscles and joints evenly and safely move your joints through a full range of motion by increasing flexibility, strength and general provisions. Pilates body experiences and promotes muscular symmetry with the proper mechanics of the body. The most important exercises for osteoporosis are exercises that strengthen back muscles. Back strengthening exercises general is a powerful intervention to decrease pain and increase functionality. Avoid exercises that cause pain. Avoid also exercises where you lift your head and chest off the floor and exercises where you have to bend (bend) and rotate (turn) the body in sitting or standing. All these exercises put great pressure on the vertebrae and disks. Stress in spinal curvature also increases the risk of vertebral fracture compression. However, while Pilates is good for treatment of osteoporosis is not recommended to start with Mat Pilates. Many Mat Pilates instructors very little training and do not know how to modify exercises for osteoporosis clients. Who has knowledge about your disease and the state can really make a difference and help your fight against the spine and bones change process and improve the quality of your life. And it's never too late to start a Pilates program, especially after menopause when the rate of bone loss really picks up. Even then, run the program Pilates will increase your muscle strength, improve balance and can keep your bones become weaker. .
No air can not get new air enters the lungs.
Emphysema long-term progressive lung disease, and it is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The disease occurs in the deterioration of air sacs in the lungs. Alveolus or small air sacs in the lungs are separated by thin walls or membranes containing capillaries. Membranes between the alveoli allow exchange of gases. Molecules of oxygen providing red blood cells to be used in another part of the body, while a molecule of carbon dioxide to separate and enter the alveoli to be exhaled. Emphysema destroys the alveolar membrane and capillary blood, which prevents transmission of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the membrane. The main symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath because the body is not getting enough oxygen. First, a person has difficulty breathing through the destruction of the alveoli and blood vessels, impeding air flow. In advanced stages of emphysema is also associated with loss of elasticity in the walls of the alveoli. This leads to more breathing problems, as there is no exchange of gases due to the collapse of the alveoli and small airways. No air can not get new air enters the lungs. Emphysema may be due to genetic predisposition, aging, exposure to air pollution and lack of alpha-1-antitrypsin enzyme, but the most common cause is smoking. Emphysema is not curable disease, but can be controlled with treatment and subsequent destruction of the lung can be prevented. Quitting smoking is the main treatment for emphysema. Being a progressive disease, emphysema can be divided into four categories: light, medium, heavy and very heavy emphysema. Mild emphysema is mild cough and lung function close to normal. Moderate stage emphysema associated with pulmonary function less than 80% of normal. Severe emphysema is characterized by 50% or less normal lung capacity, and in very severe emphysema of the lungs buy lasix generic are working with less than 1/3 of the nominal capacity. If emphysema is diagnosed early and the victim quit prognosis is usually good, where the patient can have normal life expectancy. On the other hand, very severe emphysema is seen as the final stage of the disease and symptoms are life threatening. As the disease progresses, lung capacity gradually decreases lungs are susceptible to infection and risk of heart failure. In non-smoking, emphysema treatment includes drugs, oxygen and inhalers to slow the decline in lung function. In some cases, surgery is performed to remove part of the lung, which has lost its function. .
Access october 25, 2011.
Osteoporosis: handouts on health. NIH Osteoporosis and related diseases of the bones of the National Resource Center. http://www. NIAMS. NIH. GOV / Health_Info / bone / osteoporosis / osteoporosis_hoh. ASP. Access October 25, 2011. Rosen C. Osteoporosis. In: Goldman L, et al. Cecil Medicine. Twenty-fourth ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier, 2011. http://www. mdconsult. com/das/book/body/191371208-2/0/1492/0. HTML #. Access October 25, 2011. De Paula F. et al. Osteoporosis. In: Bope ET, and others. Current Connie therapy. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier, 2011. http://www. mdconsult. COM / books / o. do? Id = 4-u1. 0-B978-1-4377-0986-5 .. C2009-0-38984-9 - TOPisbn = 978-1-4377-0986-5about = trueuniqId = 236797353-5. Access October 25, 2011. Weppner DM, et al. Osteoporosis. In: Ferri FF. Clinical Advisor Ferri in 2011: Instant Diagnosis and Treatment. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier, 2011. http://www. mdconsult. COM / books / o. do? Id buy lasix online = 4-u1. 0-B978-0-323-05610-6 .. C2009-0-38600-6 - TOPisbn = 978-0-323-05610-6about = trueuniqId = 230100505-53. Access October 25, 2011. Koch TR et al. Postoperative metabolism and nutrition complications bariatrychnyh surgery. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America. 2010, 39:109. Rosen HN. Bisphosphonates in the management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. http://www. UpToDate. COM / home / index. HTML. Access October 26, 2011. Finkelstein JS. Treatment of osteoporosis in men. http://www. UpToDate. COM / home / index. HTML. Access October 26, 2011. Rosen CJ. Parathyroid hormone therapy of osteoporosis. http://www. UpToDate. COM / home / index. HTML. Access October 26, 2011. Rosen HN. Denosumab osteoporosis. http://www. UpToDate. COM / home / index. HTML. Access October 26, 2011. Kennel KA (Expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota October 27, 2011. National Osteoporosis Foundation: Community group. http://www. Nof. org / community / communitygroups. Access October 26, 2011. Dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D. Medical Institute. http://www. IOM. edu/Reports/2010/Dietary-Reference-Intakes-for-Calcium-and-Vitamin-D/Report-Brief. ASPX. Access October 27, 2011. AskMayoExpert. How much vitamin D is sufficient to prevent vitamin D deficiency? Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2011. Rohren CH (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 2 November 2011. .
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