Osteoporosis, also known as the "silent disease", characterized by reduced bone mass and decrease bone. Bones become brittle, thin and prone to fractures, especially hip, spine and wrist. Risk factors for development of primary osteoporosis are postmenopausal, Caucasian or Asian origin, family history, low body weight, little physical activity and smoking. Physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on bone remodeling. Many people who suffer from >> << mistakenly assume that they will break bones with exercise and do not realize that regular use of muscles and exercise really protect their bones. Studies show that regular exercise actually increases and maintains bone density at any age. Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society of physical activity can reduce the rate of bone loss, increase muscle strength and fitness can help reduce the risk of fractures and falls among older people. Osteoporosis changes the shape of vertebral bodies (they are wedge) that lead to kyphosis, this means that the curve of the thoracic spine increases. Kyphosis decreased postural support at lasix 50 mg the upper back and causes pain and spinal pressure. is all about aligning the body and its specific, corrective exercises help remove postural load on the spine and prevent further wedge and compression fractures. Pilates repertoire using your muscles and joints evenly and safely move your joints through a full range of motion by increasing flexibility, strength and general provisions. Pilates body experiences and promotes muscular symmetry with the proper mechanics of the body. The most important exercises for osteoporosis are exercises that strengthen back muscles. Back strengthening exercises general is a powerful intervention to decrease pain and increase functionality. Avoid exercises that cause pain. Avoid also exercises where you lift your head and chest off the floor and exercises where you have to bend (bend) and rotate (turn) the body in sitting or standing. All these exercises put great pressure on the vertebrae and disks. Stress in spinal curvature also increases the risk of vertebral fracture compression. However, while Pilates is good for treatment of osteoporosis is not recommended to start with Mat Pilates. Many Mat Pilates instructors very little training and do not know how to modify exercises for osteoporosis clients. Who has knowledge about your disease and the state can really make a difference and help your fight against the spine and bones change process and improve the quality of your life. And it's never too late to start a Pilates program, especially after menopause when the rate of bone loss really picks up. Even then, run the program Pilates will increase your muscle strength, improve balance and can keep your bones become weaker. .
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